This article was published on: 02/17/19 10:21 PM

Objectives Of The Project

The project proposal aims to improve the professional skills for laser safety through online training.
The project team aims to develop, test and validate three innovative training modules in line with the needs of the European photonics and laser technology field.
Using the right environment, learning modules will be web-based and accessible to students, laser workers / operators and all other players related to the fields of photonics and laser technology.
Given the European scope of the project activities, the project team is transnational and includes partners from five EU countries, which will develop, test and certify training modules at national and European level.
Successful completion of the modules will be certified by a certificate.
The fulfilment of objective will be based on the following methodology: analysis of requirements in the field of laser safety, data collection and their systematization and analysis, creation of new innovative knowledge in the form of interactive training modules and their dissemination through e-learning systems and internet technologies.