This article was published on: 02/17/19 10:24 PM


O1 Needs analysis of the improving the professional skills in laser safety.

Creating questionnaires to determine the knowledge and skills required by workers/operators for safe working conditions during operation of laser systems. This questionnaire helped us to resolve the required competencies needed by the laser technology operators themselves and other workers in the field of photonics and laser technology.

O2 Identification of the main themes of the new modules for improving the knowledge and skills of the laser users on laser safety.

Based on the analysis of labor market needs and the analysis of the needs of workers in the field of photonics and laser technology, the project team defined the content of the modules for improving the competencies and skills in the field of laser safety.

O3 Selection of the e-learning environment.

Selected the type of virtual e-learning environment, that is in high degree relevant to the needs of project’s objectives and activities. The virtual e-learning environment has complete set of functionalities for providing efficient training of target groups, friendly user interface, possibilities for adding new functions/features.
The e-learning environment have protected area for consortium use to facilitate data exchange and storage, and facilitate project communication and transparency of data.

O4 Development of the modules

Three interactive modules for the e-learning platform should be created.

O5 Design of web-based interactive modules

The partners will choose the most suitable design for the web-based modules.

O6 Creating of a program for training the trainers

Each partner should create a programme to teach trainers in the field of Laser safety in all partners languages.

O7 Manual for the Trainers

A handbook will be developed for the e-learning courses in all partners languages.

O8 Training of the trainers

An assessment of each trainer’s competency will be undertaken
through self-assessment.

O9 Pilot testing of the modules

Communication and organization
Establishment of criteria for the pilot test
ICT agreed/organized with all Partners
Evaluation of Results of the testing

O10 Improvement of web-based interactive modules

Final guidelines for the trainers
Translation of the modules in the languages of the partner countries

O11 Certification of the modules in Laser safety

Accreditation of e-learning modules in certified VET agencies in Bulgaria, Latvia and Romania according to European standards of ECVET (European credit system for vocational education and training).